Gepubliceerd datamodel

Gewijzigd op Tue, 16 Jan 2024 om 04:02 PM

Onderstaand datamodel wordt gepubliceerd middels onze BI server.

Hier kunnen op verzoek uitbreidingen op gedaan worden.

company_companyTable to determine the relation between companies (vestiging/moederbedrijf)
courseAll planned courses
course_companyCompanies which are connected to incompany courses
course_daypartDayparts belonging to courses
course_labelLabels connected to courses
coursetemplate_daypartDayparts beloning to coursetemplates
daypart_instructorInstructors plannend on a daypart
daypart_labelLabels connected to a daypart
daypart_locationLocations planned for a daypart
daypart_materialMaterials reserved for a daypart
daypart_studentStudents plannend on a daypart
daypart_taskTasks to do for a daypart
employeeEmployees of your own company
locationLocations where coursedayparts can be given
materialMaterials which can be reserved for dayparts
studentStudents (both private and from companies)
student_code95Code95 periodes/amount for a student
student_courseFollowed courses by students (history)
taskTasks which can be done for dayparts

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