Onderstaand datamodel wordt gepubliceerd middels onze BI server.
Hier kunnen op verzoek uitbreidingen op gedaan worden.
Table | Description | Since |
company | Companies | |
company_company | Table to determine the relation between companies (vestiging/moederbedrijf) | |
company_extrafields | Extrafields for companies | |
competence | Competences | |
course | All planned courses | |
course_company | Companies which are connected to incompany courses | |
course_daypart | Dayparts belonging to courses | |
course_group | Groups a course is belongs to | 2024-10-11 |
course_extrafields | Extrafields for courses | |
course_label | Labels connected to courses | |
coursetemplate | Coursetemplates | |
coursetemplate_daypart | Dayparts beloning to coursetemplates | |
coursetemplate_group | Groups a courstemplate belongs to | 2024-10-11 |
coursetemplate_label | Labels connected to coursetemplates | 2024-10-11 |
daypart | Dayparts | |
daypart_extrafields | Extrafields for dayparts | |
daypart_instructor | Instructors plannend on a daypart | |
daypart_label | Labels connected to a daypart | |
daypart_location | Locations planned for a daypart | |
daypart_material | Materials reserved for a daypart | |
daypart_student | Students plannend on a daypart | |
daypart_task | Tasks to do for a daypart | |
employee | Employees of your own company | |
employee_competence | Competences of own employees | |
employee_extrafields | Extrafields for own employees | |
employee_rate | Rate for own employees | 2024-10-29 |
group | Groups for course, coursetemplate, etc. | 2024-10-11 |
instructor | Instructors | |
instructor_competence | Instructors compentences | |
instructor_extrafields | Instructors extrafields | |
instructor_rate | Instructor rates | 2024-10-29 |
label | Labels | |
location | Locations where coursedayparts can be given | |
location_reate | Location rates | 2024-10-29 |
material | Materials which can be reserved for dayparts | |
student | Students (both private and from companies) | |
student_code95 | Code95 periodes/amount for a student | |
student_competence | Competencens for a student | |
student_course | Followed courses by students (history) | |
student_extrafields | Extrafields for students | |
task | Tasks which can be done for dayparts |
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